Juan Lema


Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). Scientific coordinator of CRETUS (Interdisciplinary Research in Environmental Technologies). President of the Royal Galician Academy of Sciences. He appears, as do six of his former doctoral students, on Stanford’s list of the most cited group of scientists (2%) worldwide. Led the COSTE action “Designing Wastewater Treatment in 2020” (Water 2020) with the participation of 34 countries. He was coordinator of the project and the Spanish network Novedar Consolider. His research interests, in the area of ​​Environmental Biotechnology, have focused on the development of technology and processes aimed at the treatment and recovery of wastewater residues (Anaerobic digestion processes, Microbial and enzymatic elimination of micropollutants) and Bioprocesses, based on biorefinery concept. He was director of the Chemical Engineering Departments at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and USC. Promoter and first director of the USC Higher Technical School of Education and first president of the Conference of Deans and Directors of Chemical Engineering (CODDIQ), of which he is Honorary President. Received several awards and distinctions: A-IQS European Award for industrial enzymes. Babcock Award for technological innovation. García Cabrerizo Foundation Award for scientific innovation. Doctor Honoris causa from the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso (Chile), the Polytechnic of Milan, the University of Valladolid and the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Honorary professor at the University of Queensland (Australia). USC Gold Badge. Gold medal in chemical engineering from the University of Valladolid. He is a “Distinguished Fellow” of the International Water Association (IWA).